Fishing License [EN]

Fishing in the Czech Republic and what you need for it

From Fishing License to Fishing Permit

In the Czech Republic, there are approximately three options for fishing. Fishing on private fishing grounds or on state fishing grounds. And for them you will need a fishing license and a fishing permit. A fishing ticket or permit can be obtained for a short term (without taking exams) or for a long term with exams.

Private Fishing Grounds

The easiest way to fish in the Czech Republic is on private fishing grounds. You choose a place (fishery) and you can usually find out everything you need on the spot. You buy a permit, learn the local rules, and go fishing. However, this approach is usually the most expensive.

Short-term Fishing License without Tests

A certified office will issue a short-term fishing license without an exam to anyone. Without an exam.

A ticket without an exam costs 200 CZK and is valid for 30 days.

Here you can find a list of municipalities and municipal offices that issue short-term fishing licenses.

This ticket does not entitle you to a regular, long-term fishing ticket. But if you don't want to become a member of the local fishing organization, want to try fishing under the supervision of someone experienced, this is a useful way to get into fishing. Even on the basis of a short-term fishing ticket, you can buy a fishing permit.

Then you go to the local association for this permit with the obtained short-term permit, see below.

Local Organization of the Fishing Association

Most fishing grounds in the Czech Republic are managed by the Czech Fishing Association (ČRS) and the Moravian Fishing Association (MRS). The territory is divided into local organizations (MO) which manage the waters assigned to them and unite fishermen in their region. Anyone interested can choose a local organization at their discretion and submit an application. However, the organization is not obliged to accept him/her into its membership. Once accepted, the member is obliged to pay the established membership fees, including an entry fee for new members, and fulfill the duties of a member. The local organization also organizes training in fishing skills and qualification exams for obtaining the first fishing license. You can find a list of local fishing organizations at this link.

Fishing Tests - Qualification for Obtaining the First Fishing License

Fishing tests are most often organized by local organizations of the Fishing Association. Young people usually take them in a fishing club. Adult members of the club receive a set of questions and advice on study literature and then take the test. The test consists of knowledge of laws related to fishing, detailed knowledge of the so-called fishing rules or, for example, identification of fish species. Please contact the local organization to find out when you can take the test for obtaining the first fishing license. You can read more about the fishing tests here.

Fishing Ticket - Price

The cost of a fishing license issued by authorized municipal offices is:

  • 100 CZK - for 1 year
  • 200 CZK - for 3 years
  • 500 CZK - for 10 years

Children under 15 years pay half the price.

Membership and Registration Fees to the Local Organization

The cost of a fishing ticket must be added to the cost of membership and any registration fee to the local organization. Prices may vary, but will likely be close to these amounts:

  • Registration fee for a new member of MO - 1000 CZK
  • Annual MO membership fee - 1400 CZK

Children pay half the price, children and disabled persons are also entitled to a discount. It is not necessary to be a member of the local organization to buy a permit, as the local organization sells permits also to non-members. But the prices are then about five times higher!

Cost of a Fishing License

A fishing license and membership in the local organization does not entitle you to fish in the grounds. For this, you need to purchase a fishing permit. They vary depending on the season in which I want to fish, or the type of fishing ground, and they also have territorial validity.

There are two main types of fishing grounds - trout and non-trout fishing grounds. As the name implies, trout grounds are predominantly mountain and foothill streams and rivers, rich in trout and other fish that require oxygen and low water temperatures, while non-trout grounds are all other fishing grounds, including large rivers, ponds, and dams.

The prices of fishing permits may vary depending on the association. If I fish mainly in my area, a local organization permit is sufficient. If I have bigger ambitions, I can buy a more expensive national permit. For example, for the South Moravian region, the prices for 2024 are:

  • Annual non-trout fishing permit 1250 CZK
  • Annual non-trout fishing permit for the whole country 4500 CZK
  • Annual trout fishing permit 1300 CZK
  • Annual national trout fishing permit 4750 CZK